
Explosion in Villefranche

An explosive device

GDN - Explosion in Villefranche: Several shots and explosions against mosques in France.
An explosion of criminal took place Thursday morning around 6 am near the mosque in Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône), in a kebab, according to a police source close to the investigation interviewed by 20 Minutes
There were no injuries. The window of the neighboring restaurant Bethel was blown by the explosion, at 249 rue Quarantine. The area was cordoned off by police. Firefighters have confirmed the event but refused to give any other details. The judicial police conducting the investigation. According to the UMP deputy mayor of Villefranche-sur-Saône, Bernard Perrut, "is a priori linked to the dramatic situation" of Paris. The explosion blew the front of the restaurant, L'Impérial, "which is run independently (...) by people close to the mosque" and "where gather people who frequent the place of worship but also others, "said the one.
"This situation is worrying and upsetting and leads me to run a cohesive message of unity and respect in this...
An explosion of criminal origin occurred around 6:00 in Villefranche-sur-Saône in front of a kebab snack next to the mosque in the city on the street Quarantine, no casualties according to the regional daily Progress. "A homemade bomb laid before the entrance of the snack, a few meters from the mosque, exploded at 5:45. The facade was blown, "confirmed the prosecutor in Villefranche-sur-Saône, Gregory Dulin. "No assumption is privileged" about the origin of this act, according to the magistrate. The investigation was entrusted to the judicial police. "I am afraid that is linked to the dramatic event that occurred on Wednesday," said for his part Bernard Perrut, the mayor of Villefranche interviewed by the newspaper, referring to the attack
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